Layout 1

(Barry) #1
their personal coach during the coach’s initial call that week. explain that this will help keep them on track for the
next 12 weeks.

class length.Let participants know that you realize everyone is busy, which is the reason each class meeting
will be approximately 30 minutes long (45 minutes maximum). To respect participants’ time, it is very important
you adhere to this. Let them know, however, that they should expect the meetings for Weeks 1 and 2 to run
longer due to the initial Weigh-Ins and Measures in Week 1, and the assigning of meal plans in Week 2.

weigh-ins and Measures.Fifteen (15) minutes prior to the start of each class, participants will weigh in and
be measured. If the class starts at 6:15 p.m., advise everyone to arrive around 6 p.m. to be weighed. The
classes themselves will consist of 20 to 30 minutes of information for healthy living. Out of respect for those
who show up on time, do not wait for people to arrive after the scheduled start time. Always begin and end your
classes promptly.

  1. review the week 1 handoUtS
    Go over each of the Week 1 handouts in the following order:

    • welcome letter

    • references list.Point out that the Herbalife Weight Loss Challenge website ( is
      where they will find the handout documents for each week’s class. Let them know that they are
      responsible for printing out their handouts from the website before each class. Ask if any participants
      do not have Internet access and may not be able to print their handouts; make note of their names. The
      coach assigned to teach a particular week should provide hard copies of the respective handouts for
      those participants.

    • weight loss challenge food/drink log.In this weekly log, participants will list anything they eat or
      drink. Tell them: “If they are biting, they are writing.” Be sure they bring a completed log back each week
      to hand in to their coach.

  • “protein 101” and “protein foods at-a-glance.” Protein is the topic for this first class meeting. Show
    them the “Protein Foods At-a-Glance” list. encourage participants to get their protein from a variety of
    sources. Ideally, protein intake should be roughly half animal sources (like meats, fish, poultry, egg
    whites, milk and milk products), with the remainder coming from plant sources, such as soy protein, tofu,
    edamame and other soy products, and other plant proteins such as beans, peas and lentils. Vegetarians
    can select their proteins from various plant sources; protein powders are one of the best ways to obtain
    high-quality protein for the fewest calories. nonvegetarians should still attempt to get about half of their
    protein from animal sources.

Ask participants to raise their hands if they have ever had a protein bar; ask them how it tasted. Then

SECTION FOUR: Outlines for Teaching Classes

Topic: Protein
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