SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Part VII: Working with Specialized Functionality

FIGURE 31.22
A centered rectangle in a 3D sketch

  1. Draw a line from one corner of the square down, trying to avoid any automatic rela-
    tions such as coincident relations to other points and any AlongX, Y, or Z relations.
    Connect the other three corners of the square with the free endpoint of the new line, as
    shown in Figure 31.23.

FIGURE 31.23
Adding lines

  1. Rotate the view slightly. Notice that the first line that you drew in Step 10 and one
    other line are on a plane. Drag a right-to-left selection box around the point where the
    four lines converge, and assign an Equal relation to all the lines. This makes the shape
    into an upside-down pyramid shape.

  2. Drag the point. Notice that it moves up and down, although it seems a little erratic.
    Place a dimension between the point and the part Origin. Notice that the sketch becomes
    overdefined and turns red and yellow. Theoretically, this combination should work, but
    for some reason SolidWorks does not accept it.

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