SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Index ........................................................................................................................................

Smart Fasteners, 445–446
ghosts, 447
sharing self-contained data, 447
using with drawings, 447–448
assembly process, 454–455
creating from existing parts, 449–450
grouping by relative motion, 453
organizing for BOM, 452
organizing for performance, 451–452
organizing groups of purchased components, 453–454
patterning, 455
subassemblies icons, 444
tree display options
Component Reference capabilities, 460
overview, 457–458
showing component and config names and
descriptions, 458–460
showing feature names and descriptions, 458
View Mates and Dependencies option, 461–462
tutorials, 464–468
using coordinate systems to export with new origin
location, 124
virtual components, 442–443
assembly configurations
Advanced Component Selection dialog box, 508–509
Configuration Publisher tool, 516–517
controlling display performance
Lightweight state, 511
Resolved state, 512
SpeedPak, 511–512
Unsuppressed state, 512
design tables for, 515–516
exploded views, 517–523
Isolate function, 509
Modify Configurations tool, 516–517
pitfalls, 517
positioning with mates
driving directly, 512–513
driving indirectly, 513
positioning with sketches, 513–514
for product variations, 515
SolidWorks Utilities Simplify Assembly tool, 509–510
SpeedPaks, 506
suppressing components and features, 505–506
tutorial, 523–527
using part configurations for speed, 506–508

3 Point, 96
Curvature Comb tool, 419
segments, 982–983
tangent, 982
arc-based fillet, 284
arc-length dimension, 350
Arrange Icons option, Window menu, 74–75
arrow keys, 176
“as cast” state, part, 29
As Machined configuration, 983
“as machined” state, part, 29
As Welded configuration, 983
as-cast part, 378
.asmdot template, 11, 663
.asmprp template, 11
Aspect Ratio option, 1067
AssemblyXpert tool, 463–464
component patterns, 444–445
Design Library, 622–623
external references, 440
global variables, 440
link values, 440
overview, 439–441
recommendations, 440–441
renaming, 440
features, 444
Add To New Folder tool, 456
adding items to existing, 456
adding to FeatureManager, 456
Create New Folder tool, 456
creating, 444
reordering, 405
reordering items in tree, 456–457
history-based and non-history-based portions, 443
Hole Series, 446
in-context reference update holders, 445
layout sketch, 441–442
mates, 444
mirror components, 445
overview of elements, 437–438
parts icons, 444
reference geometry, 438
saving before adding Smart Component, 643
Sensors tool, 462–463

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