SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1


Insert Into New Part feature
overview, 878
tutorial, 887–888
Insert Line PropertyManager interface, 93
Insert menu
customizing, 83
Mirror Part command, 336
overview, 55–56
Insert Model Items, 746–747
Insert Model method, 683
Insert Mold Folders icon, Mold Tools toolbar, 1025
Insert New Branch command, 730
Insert New Subassembly option, 450
Insert Part button, Features toolbar, 879
Insert Part command, 930
Insert Part feature
adding bodies using, 831–832
overview, 878
PropertyManager, 831
sheet metal, 931
Insert Part function, 140, 571
inserted parts, 29, 378, 561–562
inserting blocks, 734–736
Insertion Point panel, Block PropertyManager, 736
inspection drawings, 748
installation guide, 1078
installing SolidWorks, 3–4
Instances to Skip option, Linear Pattern, 323–324, 533
Instant 3D feature
creating extrudes, 241–242
editing geometry, 242–243
simple parts, 147–148
Integrated Geometry Exchange Standard (IGES) format, 123,
942, 951, 954
interface, navigating
2D Command Line Emulator, 64–65
changing cursors, 57
CommandManager. See also CommandManager
controlling menus, 55–57
copying existing settings tutorial, 77–78
customizing, 66–73
customizing colors tutorial, 83–84
customizing CommandManager tutorial, 79–82
customizing menus tutorial, 82–83
FeatureManager window, 58–60
hotkeys tutorial, 85–86
multiple document windows, 74–76
overview, 40

in-context modeling (continued)
broken reference symbol (->x), 551
circular references, 559
communicating design intent, 561
disadvantages, 542–543
Edit Component button, 547–550
external reference symbol (->), 550
file management, 558–559
in-context symbol ( ->), 550
InPlace mate, 545
Layout feature, 563–566
layouts, 559–560
libraries, 560
List External References button, 552
locked reference symbol (->*), 551
mates, 559
mixing with configurations, 556–558
motion, 558
multiple contexts, 554–556
multiple instances, 558
No External References button, 552–553
out-of-context symbol (->?), 551
overview, 541–542
part color and transparency, 546–547
removing relations, 560–561
skeletons, 559–560
text color, 546
tutorials, 566–577
valid relations, 545–546
in-context reference, 440, 445
in-context symbol ( ->), 550
in-context Update Holders, 446
Increment Value icon, Modify box, 91
Indent feature, 303, 813–815
Indented BOM, 771
inferencing in sketches, 116–118
Infinite length setting, PropertyManager, 93
InPlace mate, 545
Input Dimension Value function, 94
Insert Bends command, 930
Insert Bends method
Flat Pattern feature, 926
Sheet Metal feature, 922–923
Insert Bends Sheet Metal PropertyManager, 925
Insert Blank Design Table method, 382
Insert Block tool, Blocks toolbar, 120
Insert Component interface, 163
Insert Into Assembly option, RMB menu, 602

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