SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Chapter 5: Using Visualization Techniques


Using Normal To with Second Selection to define the top

First selection

Second selection


Annotations views for Chapter5SampleCasting.sldprt

Getting the Most from RealView

RealView is a hardware-driven set of visualization tools that help make the SolidWorks display
look more realistic, adding reflections, reflected backgrounds, and shadows. RealView is intended
to help the user apply advanced effects to 3D models. The fact that RealView is hardware-driven
means not all video cards that are certified to work with SolidWorks also work with RealView.
You need to check on the SolidWorks Web site to see what level of RealView your graphics card
supports. A link to the video card testing site should be available from the SolidWorks home page
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