SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Chapter 5: Using Visualization Techniques

Applying appearances
To apply an appearance, use the Task Pane at the right of the graphics window, and click the
Appearances tab. Figure 5.17 shows this. Then select an appearance from the list and drag it onto
the part where you would like to apply it. You can do this either in the part window or in the
assembly window. A small popup will appear and present you with options for what to apply the
appearance to, which is the face, feature, body, or part.

Appearances also enable you to change colors. To change the color of an applied appearance, use
the Appearance Callout icon on the RMB menu, select the level you want to apply the color to
(face, body, feature, part), and then select the color from the Appearance PropertyManager.
Figure 5.17 shows the Appearance PropertyManager.


The Appearance PropertyManager

Appearance overrides
One of the things that confuses many users about applying an appearance is that it can be applied
on many levels, and may override or be overridden by other appearances. This means that in a
part, an appearance may be applied to a face, a feature, a body, or the entire part. There is a specific
hierarchy to this system of overrides: part, body, feature, face, component, and automatic color
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