SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Chapter 5: Using Visualization Techniques

A section view

Tutorial: Using Assembly Visualization

This tutorial walks you through the steps necessary to make use of the Assembly Visualization tool
in SolidWorks.

  1. Close other open documents by choosing Window ➪ Close All command. If you have
    any documents open from the CD-ROM, you can save them using the Save As command.

  2. Open the assembly file BibleBikeAssembly ch5.sldasm from the CD-ROM.

  3. Select the Assembly Visualization tool from the Tools menu. You can also select it on
    the Evaluate tab of the CommandManager or from a custom location by placing the icon
    by choosing Tools ➪ Customize ➪ Commands ➪ Tools and dragging Assembly
    Visualization to the toolbar of your choice.

  4. Toggle the Flat/Nested view icon to see its effect on the tree display.

  5. Click each available heading to see the tree sorted based on that criteria.

  6. Turn off the assembly coloration by clicking once on the red to blue fade.

  7. Sort the tree based on mass.

  8. Show the tree in flat rather than nested display.

  9. Move the red and blue sliders up and down to focus on a range of weights.

  10. Toggle on the Value Bars to show the relative weights of parts.

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