SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Chapter 6: Getting More from Your Sketches


The Scale PropertyManager


The Modify Sketch dialog box

The Modify Sketch dialog box enables you to perform the following functions:

l (^) Scale About. The Scaling function in the Modify Sketch tool enables you to scale about
either the part Origin or the Moveable Origin. The Moveable Origin is the black origin
symbol with knobs on the ends of the axes and at the intersection. The Moveable Origin
can be moved and even snapped to entities that are internal or external to the sketch.
l (^) Translate. The Translate function of the Modify Sketch tool enables you to click and drag
to move the entire sketch, or to select a point and move it to a specific set of coordinates
that you type in. If the sketch is dragged onto an external entity and picks up an automatic
relation, then a message may appear saying that you can now use Modify sketch only for
rotating the sketch because there is an external relation.
l Rotate. The Rotate function of the Modify Sketch tool enables you to position the
Moveable Origin to act as the center of rotation, and to either type in a rotation angle or
drag with the right-mouse button to rotate, as indicated by the cursor.
When you place the cursor over the knobs on the Moveable Origin, the cursor symbols change to
indicate the functionality of the RMB. These cursors are shown in action in Figure 6.8. The cursors
enable mirroring about X, Y, or both simultaneously.

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