SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Chapter 6: Getting More from Your Sketches

Fixing dangling errors

Drag this point
to this corner

Two points with
dangling relations

Drag this point
to this edge

  1. Click the name of the dangling entity in the Entities panel of the PropertyManager;
    then click the vertex indicated in Figure 6.18 in the Replace box at the bottom.
    When you have fixed the errors, exit the sketch and confirm that the flag is no longer on

An easier way to repair the dangling relation is to click on the dangling sketch point
once. It will turn red. Next, drag the point onto an entity that you want to reattach the
relation to.

  1. Exit the sketch.

  2. Drag the rollback bar to just before CutExtrude1. Edit 3DSketch1. This sketch is
    overdefined. If the Sketch Relations are not selected at this point, then select them again.

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