SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Part II: Building Intelligence into Your Parts

The SelectionManager has been implemented in a limited number of features. Selection options in
the SelectionManager include the following:

l^ OK. Accepts the selection. This feature is also available on the RMB menu.

l Cancel. Quits the SelectionManager.

l^ Clear All. Clears the current selection set.

l Push Pin. Keeps the SmartSelection window available, even when it is not required for
sketch entity selections.

l Select Closed Loop. You can select two different types of loops with this tool:

l (^) A parametric closed loop in a 2D or 3D sketch.
l A parametric loop of edges around a surface.
l^ Select Open Loop. Selects a chain (end-to-end sketch entities).
l Select Group. Selects entities individually. If you click the Propagate symbol, all tangent
edges are selected.
l Select Region. Works like the Contour Selection described earlier in this chapter.
l^ Standard Selection. Disables special functions of the SelectionManager. This feature
works like a regular selection tool.
l (^) Auto OK Selections. Becomes enabled when you use the Push Pin. Auto OK Selections
works for closed and open loop selection.

Loft options ...................................................................................................

You can choose from the following Loft options, as shown in Figure 7.13:

Loft options

l Merge tangent faces. Merges model faces that are tangent into a single face. This is done
behind the scenes by converting profiles into splines, which make approximations but are
smoother than sketches with individual tangent line and arc entities.
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