SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Chapter 7: Selecting Features

l (^) Full Round Fillet
l Setback Fillet
l (^) Setback Fillet with Variable Radius
Figure 7.29 shows the Fillet PropertyManager. Other options affect preview and selection of items,
and these options are discussed in this section.
The Fillet PropertyManager
Creating a constant radius fillet
Constant radius fillets are the most common type that are created if you select only edges, features,
or faces without changing any settings. When applying fillets in large numbers, you should con-
sider several best-practice guidelines and other recommendations that come later in this chapter.
There are still some long-time users who distinguish between fillets and rounds (where fillets add
material and rounds remove it). SolidWorks does not distinguish between the two, and even two
edges that are selected for use with the same fillet feature can have opposite functions; for example,
both adding and removing material in a single feature.

Selecting entities to fillet ................................................................................

You can create fillets from several selections, including edges, faces, features, and loops. Edges
offer the most direct method, and are the easiest to control. Figure 7.30 shows how you can use
each of these selections to create fillets on parts more intelligently.
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