SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Chapter 7: Selecting Features


A plastic tray with a large number of fillets

Selecting entities
Some of the techniques outlined previously, such as face and feature selection, can be useful for
quickly filleting a large number of edges. Another method that still selects a large number of edges,
but is not as intuitive as the others, is window selection of the edges. To use this option effectively,
you may want to first position the model into a view where only the correct edges will be selected,
turn off the Select Through Faces option, and use the Edges Selection filter.

Using the FilletXpert
The FilletXpert is a tool with several uses. One of the functions is its capability to select multiple
edges. A part like the one shown in Figure 7.32 is ideal for this tool. To use the FilletXpert, click
the FilletXpert button in the Fillet PropertyManager. Figure 7.33 shows this. When you select an
edge, the FilletXpert presents a pop-up tool bar giving you a choice of several selection options.
Notice that Figure 7.33 shows the majority of the edges selected that are needed for this fillet.

The FilletXpert is also a tool that automatically finds solutions to complex fillet problems, particu-
larly when you have several fillets of different sizes coming together.

The Corner tab of the FilletXpert enables you to select from different corner options, which are
usually the result of different fillet orders. To use the CornerXpert, make sure the FilletXpert is
active; then click on the corner face, and toggle through the options.

Using preview
I like to use the fillet preview. It helps to see what the fillet will look like, and perhaps more
important, the presence of a preview usually (but not always) means that the fillet will work.

Unfortunately, when you have a large number of fillets to create, the preview can cause a signifi-
cant slowdown. Deselecting and using the Partial Preview are both possible options. Partial
Preview shows the fillet on only one edge in the selection and is much faster when you are creating
a large number of fillets.
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