SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Chapter 7: Selecting Features

Multiple Radius Fillet
The Multiple Radius Fillet option in the Fillet PropertyManager enables you to make multiple fillet
sizes within a single fillet feature. Figure 7.34 shows how the multiple radius Fillet feature looks
when you are working with it. You can change values in the callout flags or in the


Using the Multiple Radius Fillet option

This may seem like an attractive way to group several fillets into as small a space on the
FeatureManager as possible, but I cannot think of a single reason that would drive me to use this
option. While there may be a small performance benefit to condensing several features into one,
many more downsides adversely affect performance:

l (^) Loss of control of feature order.
l A single failed fillet causes the whole feature, and thus all the fillets, to fail.
l (^) Troubleshooting is far more difficult.
l Smaller groups of fillets cannot be suppressed without suppressing everything.
l (^) You cannot change the size of a group of fillets together.
Best Practice
While this may be more personal opinion than best practice, I believe that there are good reasons to consider
using techniques other than single features that contain many fillets, or single features that drive fillets of vari-
ous sizes. Best practice would lean more toward grouping fillets that have a similar use and the same size. For
example, you may want to separate fillets that break corners on ribs from fillets that round the outer shape of a
large plastic part.
Another consideration is feature order when it comes to the fillet’s relationship to draft and shell features. If
the fillets are all grouped into a single feature, then controlling this relationship becomes impossible.n

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