SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Part II: Building Intelligence into Your Parts

The setback fillet setup for Steps 1 through 3

  1. Select the setback vertices. In the Setback Parameters panel of the PropertyManager,
    with the second box from the top highlighted, select the vertices. Although this box looks
    like it is only big enough for a single selection, it can accept multiple selections.

  2. Enter setback values. As shown in Figure 7.54, the setback callout flags have leaders
    that point from a specific value to a specific edge. The dimensions refer to distances, as
    shown in the image to the right in Figure 7.54. The setback distance is the distance over
    which the fillet will blend from the corner to the fillet.

When you select multiple vertices, the preview arrows that indicate which edge you are currently setting the
setback value for may be incorrect. The arrows can only be shown on one vertex; therefore, you may want to
rely on the leaders from the callouts to determine which setback distance you are currently setting.n

  1. Repeat the process for all selected setback vertices. If you are using a preview, then
    you may notice that the preview goes away when starting a second set of setback values.
    Don’t worry. This is probably not because the feature is going to fail. Once you finish typ-
    ing the values, the preview will return. When you have spent as much time setting up a
    feature as you will spend on this, seeing the preview disappear can be frustrating; how-
    ever, persevere, and it will return.

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