SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Chapter 7: Selecting Features

Keep in mind that this feature is not like the projected sketch. A projected sketch is not foreshort-
ened on the curved surface, but is projected normal from the sketch plane. A sketch that is one-
inch long will measure one-inch along the curvature of the surface and will measure less than one
inch linearly from end to end.

The scribed part in the previous figure was created on a conical surface body. The surface was then
thickened as a separate body and patterned.

Chapter 26 covers working with multi-bodies, and Chapter 27 covers surfaces.n

The embossed cam employed a workaround with a revolve feature to close the gap that is always
created when wrapping all the way around a part.

The example with the debossed text employs a direction of pull and draft so that the geometry can
be molded.

Flex feature

The Flex feature is different from most other features in SolidWorks. Most other features create
new geometry, but Flex (and Deform, which follows) takes existing geometry and changes its
shape. Flex can affect the entire part, or just a portion of it. Flex works on both solid and surface
bodies, as well as imported and native geometry.

Figure 7.59 shows the Flex PropertyManager interface. Flex has four main options and many set-
tings. The four main options are as follows:

l (^) Bending. Establishes two trim planes to denote the ends of the bent area, and specifies an
angle or radius for the bend.
l (^) Twisting. Establishes two trim planes to limit the area of the twist, and enters the number
of degrees through which to twist.
l (^) Tapering. Establishes two trim planes to limit the area of the taper. The body will be
larger toward one end and smaller toward the other end.
l (^) Stretching. Establishes two trim planes to limit the area to be stretched. You can stretch
the entire body by moving the trim planes outside of the body.
Best Practice
Flex is not the kind of feature that you should use to actually design parts, but it can be extremely valuable
when you need to show a part in an “in use” state. A simple example would be a rubber strap that stretches
over something when it is used, but that is designed and manufactured in its free state. The geometry that you
can create by using the flex functions is not generally production-model quality, but it is usually adequate for a
looks-like model. n

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