SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Chapter 7: Selecting Features

Indent feature

The Indent feature is what the Surface push deform is trying to be, or should try to be. Indent uses
the same ingredients as the Surface push, but it produces a result that is both intelligible and use-
ful. For example, if you are building a plastic housing around a small electric motor, then the
Indent feature shapes the housing and creates a gap between the housing and the motor. Figure
7.64 shows the PropertyManager interface for the Indent feature, as well as what the indent looks
like before and after using the feature.


Using the Indent feature

In this case, the small motor is placed where it needs to be, but there is a wall in the way. Indent is
used to create an indentation in the wall by using the same wall thickness and placing a gap of
.010 inches around the motor. The motor is brought into the wall part using the Insert ➪ Part com-
mand. This is a multi-body technique. Multi-bodies are examined in detail in Chapter 26.

Tutorial: Bracket Casting

When you follow this tutorial, you are encouraged to follow the directions the first time to make
sure that you understand the concepts involved, and then to go through it again, this time deviat-
ing from the instructions to see if you can expand your understanding by experimentation. To try
bracket casting, follow these steps:
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