SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Chapter 7: Selecting Features

The results up to Step 14

  1. Start a fillet feature, and select the face of the Loft feature. Assign a radius of .200

Although this fillet is created by selecting a face, it is not a face fillet. Selecting a face for a regular constant
radius fillet simply fillets any edge that is on the face.n

  1. Create a mirror feature, using the Right plane as the mirror plane. In the Mirror
    PropertyManager, expand the Bodies To Mirror panel, and select anywhere on the part.
    Make sure that the Merge Solids option is selected. Click OK to accept the mirror.

  2. Orient the view to the Front view, and then turn the view on its side (hold down Alt
    and press the left- or right-arrow key six times).

  3. Open a new sketch on the Front plane. From the View menu, make sure that Hide All
    Types is not selected, and show Temporary Axes. Draw and dimension a horizontal con-
    struction line, as shown in Figure 7.68.

  4. With the construction line selected, start the Sketch Text command (Tools ➪ Sketch
    Entities ➪ Text). Make sure that the line appears in the Curves selection box.

  5. Click in the text box, and type Made in USA (or your name or company name). Select
    the text and click the Bold button. Deselect the Use Document Font option, change the
    font to use units, and set the height to .175 inches.

  6. Click OK to exit the Sketch Text PropertyManager, and click OK again to exit the
    sketch. You can turn off the Temporary Axis display.

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