SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Chapter 8: Patterning and Mirroring


The Dynamic Mirror centerline with hatch marks

Sketch patterns are also unavailable in the 3D sketch, but you can use the Move, Rotate, and Copy
sketch tools on planes in 3D sketches. Combining one questionable functionality (3D sketches)
with another (sketch patterns) does not usually improve either one.

Exploring the Geometry Pattern Option

The SolidWorks Help file says that the Geometry Pattern option in feature patterns results in a
faster pattern because it does not pattern the parametric relations. This claim is valid only when
there is an end condition on the patterned feature such that the feature will actually pattern the
end condition’s parametric behavior. The part shown in Figure 8.6 falls into this category. The
improved rebuild time goes from .30 to .11 seconds. Although a 60 percent reduction is significant,
the most compelling argument for the use of the Geometry Pattern has nothing to do with rebuild
time. It is to avoid the effect of patterning the end-condition parametrics.

In fact, the Geometry Pattern option’s main intent is to pattern existing geometry without the
parametric intelligence. The main mission of Geometry Pattern has nothing to do with rebuild

Under some conditions, Geometry Pattern will not work. One example is any time a patterned face
merges with a face that cannot be patterned. Figure 8.7 shows two patterns, one that can use
Geometry Pattern and one that cannot.

The pattern of the rectangular feature cannot use Geometry Pattern because the face that is merged
is not merged in all pattern instances. The circular pattern can use Geometry Pattern because the
flat face is merged in every pattern instance. The circular pattern also allows Geometry Pattern for
the same reason.
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