SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Chapter 9: Using Equations

  1. Click Rebuild, press Ctrl+B or Ctrl+Q to rebuild the model, and observe whether
    any update takes place.

  2. Rename the 6.00-inch dimension for the height of the revolved feature to DomeHt.

  3. Create a second equation that drives the DomeHt dimension at the current ratio of
    the height to the radius.

a. Create a global variable called Ratio = 6/3.6 (1.66667) in the Equations dialog box.

b. Create the equation. The equation will take the form of DomeHt = (Ratio) × CapRad.
You can use the drop-down list under the calculator pad to select the Ratio variable
from the list.

  1. Use a link value to make the radii of Fillet1 and Fillet2 the same.

  2. Double-click the revolve feature. Change the .CapRad dimension to 5 and rebuild. You
    should observe 3 feet. Change it again to 6 and you should see 4 feet.

  3. Give the part a new name, including your initials or the date, and save and close it.


SolidWorks equations and related dimension-management tools are powerful, but often leave you
wishing for a little more flexibility and control. The interface is not up to date with the rest of the
SolidWorks interface, and so I would look to see an updated equation interface soon that integrates
dimension input, link values, and global variables.

If you want to encourage SolidWorks to revise certain features, then you can go to the SolidWorks
Web site and submit an enhancement request. They do look at customer input when developing or
updating functionality.
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