SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Chapter 10: Working with Part Configurations

When the part is placed into an assembly, the PropertyManager shown in Figure 10.30, which is
the one created in the Configuration Publisher, appears and enables you to access options to size
and configure the new instance. A similar interface is also used if you have uploaded the part to 3D
Content Central to allow other people to download the part.

FIGURE 10.30

A custom PropertyManager makes it easy to size and configure a part as it is inserted into an assembly.

Tutorial: Working with Configurations

and Design Tables

Throughout this book, parts that I use for one purpose may also be useful for other purposes. For
example, the part used in this tutorial uses a loft with guide curves where both guide curves are
created in the same sketch. The guide curve sketch is made from symmetrical splines where I have
used the spline handles to change the shape smoothly and in a controlled way. I have also used a
curve-driven pattern to go around an elliptical shape.

If at some point, you decide that you have made mistakes from which you cannot recover, or you would simply
like to start over again, you can choose File ➪ Reload. This is the same as exiting the part without saving, and
then reopening the part to start from the beginning. n

To start working with configurations and design tables, follow these steps:
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