SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Chapter 11: Editing and Evaluation

FIGURE 11.28
Sketch3 in its new location

  1. One of the goals of these edits is to smooth out the part. Remember that the Deviation
    Analysis told you that the edges created between the lines and arcs in Sketch3 were not
    very tangent. For this reason, it would be a good idea to replace the lines and arcs in
    Sketch3 with another Fit Spline.

Right-click one of the solid sketch entities in Sketch3, and click Select Chain.

  1. Create another Fit Spline using the same technique as in Step 8. Exit the sketch.

  2. Drag the Rollback bar down one feature so that it is below the Loft. Notice that the
    Loft feature has failed. If you hold the cursor over the feature icon, the tooltip confirms
    this by displaying the message, β€œThe Loft Feature Failed to Complete.”

  3. Edit the Loft feature. Expand the Centerline Parameters panel if it is not already expanded,
    and delete the Spiral from the selection box. In its place, select the Spiral Fit Spline.

  4. If the loft does not preview, check to ensure that the Show Preview option is
    selected in the Options panel, at the bottom.

  5. If it still does not preview, right-click in the graphics window and select Show All
    Connectors. Position the blue dots on the connector so that it looks like Figure 11.29.

  6. Click OK to accept the loft. The loft should be much smoother now than it was before.
    In addition, the spiral feature should no longer be under the loft; it should now be the
    first item in the design tree.

  7. Drag the Rollback bar down to just before the Shell feature. Notice that Fillet5 has
    failed. Move the mouse over Fillet5. The tooltip tells you that it is missing some refer-
    ences. Edit Fillet5 and select edges in order to create fillets, as shown in Figure 11.30.

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