SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Part III: Working with Assemblies

FIGURE 12.12

Tree display options in assemblies

Showing feature names and descriptions
If you are so thorough that you have added descriptions to your features, then you are doing well.
This option refers to the descriptions of features in the parts. The middle image in Figure 12.12
shows a section of the FeatureManager for the bicycle frame part; some of the features have had
descriptions added with both of the options for feature names and feature descriptions turned on.
The image to the right in Figure 12.12 shows the result of turning off the feature name, with
only the feature description option turned on. If no feature description has been created, then the
feature name displays. Feature descriptions always appear in double quotes.

Showing component and config names and descriptions
The image on the left in Figure 12.13 shows the default arrangement of displaying component and
configuration names in the assembly FeatureManager. This example uses the rear wheel assembly
from the bicycle assembly. In assemblies, you cannot turn off the component names and the
component descriptions. SolidWorks issues this statement when you try to turn off both the name
and the description: “You cannot hide both the component name and the file name. At least one
must be visible in the tree.”

Using names other than the part filename in the

assembly FeatureManager
The message in the previous paragraph distinguishes between the filename and the component name
that is listed for individual parts or subassemblies in the assembly FeatureManager. You can specify
the component name in the Component Properties dialog box by right-clicking the component in
the assembly FeatureManager and selecting Component Properties.
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