SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Chapter 13: Getting More from Mates

FIGURE 13.19

Setting up a Hinge mate

Editing and Troubleshooting

You should become proficient with editing and troubleshooting assembly mates. If you are not
comfortable with repairing and modifying mates, you may find assemblies frustrating to work
with. However, once you master the techniques, you will be more confident and willing to
experiment with assembly changes.

Editing existing mates
If you are editing just one mate, then you can simply right-click it and select Edit Feature (or if you
are using Context Toolbars, left-click it and click the Edit Feature button). Remember that you can
find mates in places other than the Mates folder at the bottom of the assembly FeatureManager;
most notably, you can find them in folders under the parts that they are mating together.

You can make several types of changes to mates, including changing the selections, the mate types,
and the mate alignment. These types of changes are all shown in Figure 13.20, which displays a
mate being edited. The selected faces are highlighted in the graphics window.
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