SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Part IV: Creating and Using Libraries

I was skeptical of this originally and had to test it thoroughly to ensure that deleting the training
assembly would not cause any data to be lost, so I can assure you that it works. Go ahead and
delete the assembly.

Editing Smart Components
Expanding somewhat on the discussion about whether or not to keep the training assembly file, here
is a little exercise that you can try. Make a Smart Component by going through the preceding steps,
using the following tutorial or creating one of your own. Just make a simple one with perhaps one
associated component and an in-context feature. Then go ahead and delete the training assembly.

With the defining assembly gone, there appears to be no way to edit the setup of the Smart
Component. Right mouse button (RMB)-click the Smart Feature folder in the FeatureManager of the
Smart Component and select Edit in Defining Assembly, as shown in Figure 19.16. What happens
next is that SolidWorks re-creates the defining assembly from the data that is stored in the Smart
Component. This assembly is saved in a system temp folder using the name <Smart Component
name>_ta.sldasm. If the Smart Component uses an in-context feature, it is saved to the temp
directory as a library feature file using the name of the dummy part and appending _lf to the file-
name; for example, Dummy_lf.sldlfp.

FIGURE 19.16

Selecting the Edit in Defining Assembly command

The Edit Definition button appears in the upper-right corner of the graphics window. The Edit
Definition button is shown to the right in Figure 19.16. If you click this button, the Smart Component
PropertyManager interface appears again, enabling you to change the selection of associated compo-
nents and in-context features, to change the auto-size setting or edit the configurator table.

Thus, all the settings are preserved, and the training assembly exists only as a phantom in a temp
directory. Although this appears to be counterintuitive, it works.
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