SolidWorks 2010 Bible

(Martin Jones) #1

Chapter 27: Working with Surfaces

Unlike the Sketch Offset function — and as was shown in Chapter 26 — you can offset surfaces by
a zero distance. This is usually done to copy either solid or surface faces to make a new surface
body. Zero-distance offset and Knit are sometimes used interchangeably, although Knit causes a
problem if you are selecting a surface body that is composed of a single face. Knit assumes that you
are trying to knit one body to another, and so, by default, it selects the body, and then fails with
the message that you cannot knit a body to itself. Because Knit has this limitation, and Offset does
not, I prefer the Offset tool when copying faces to make a new surface body. You may also notice
that when you enter a zero for the offset distance, the Offset PropertyManager name changes auto-
matically to Copy Surface.

Knit does have two functions that Sketch Offset does not. One of these is the option to create a
solid from the knit body if it forms a closed body. The second option is somewhat more obscure,
offering the ability to select all faces on one side of a Radiate Surface. I discuss this option in more
depth later in this chapter in the Knit Surface section.

When talking about copying surface bodies, you must also consider the Move/Copy Bodies feature,
which is described in Chapter 26. When simply copying a body without also moving it, this fea-
ture issues a warning that asks whether you really intend to copy the body without moving it. This
is an annoying and pointless message. Also, the Move/Copy Bodies feature does not enable you to
copy only a part of a body (selected faces) or to merge multiple bodies into one like the Knit and
Offset Surface features.

All things considered, I recommend using the zero-distance Surface Offset feature to copy bodies
or parts of bodies unless your goal is to immediately make a solid out of it (in which case you
should use the Knit feature) or when using a Radiated surface (typically in a mold-building

Radiate Surface

The Radiate Surface is not one of the more commonly used surface features. It has been largely
superseded by the Ruled Surface. This is because Ruled Surface does the same sort of thing that
Radiate Surface does, as well as a lot more, and is also more reliable. Radiate works from an edge
selection, a reference plane, and a distance. The newly created surface is perpendicular to the
selected edge and parallel to the selected plane, and the set distance is wide. It is probably most
commonly used in creating molds or other net shape tooling such as dies for stamping and forging,
blanks for thermoforming, and so on. Figure 27.5 shows the PropertyManager and selection for
creating a Radiate Surface.

The Radiate Surface feature does not give you a preview of the finished surface, only the small arrows that
indicate the direction in which the surface will radiate. At times, you may need to switch the arrows to the
other side, which you can do by using the arrow button next to the plane selection. n

When creating a Radiate Surface, the use of a loop in the edge selection always results in an incorrect result,
because the feature only uses the initial edge that was selected for the loop. As long as individual edges are
listed in the selection box, you should be okay. n

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