The Secret History of Freemasonry

(Nandana) #1
The Templars and the Parisian Builders 135

In the epitaph record of the persons buried at Saint Gervais, we can
read these names: Marguerite Rousset, wife of Claude Monnart, sworn
mason to the king and bourgeois of Paris (September 18, 1632);
Guillaume Chappeau, architect mason; Claude de Villiers, his first wife
(September 25, 1546); Balthazar Monard, master mason and bourgeois
of Paris (June 11, 1637); Pierre Chambiges, master of works for
masonry and paving in the city of Paris (June 19, 1544); Jacqueline
Laurens, his wife (June 3, 15??); Guillaume Guillain, master of works
for masonry and paving in the city of Paris; Gillette de la Fontaine, his
wife (February 15, 1558); Percevel Noblet, bourgeois of Paris and
sworn mason to the king (May 23, 1632); Catherine Denison, his wife;
Guillaume Marchand, architect of the king (October 12, 1555); Claude
du Puys or Dupuis, master glazier and glazier for the king's buildings
(April 23, 1599); Jean Jacquet, master mason, bourgeois of Paris, and
mason of Saint Gervais (July 12, 1603); and Renee Fezari, his wife.
In the epitaph record of old Saint Paul Church, we find the follow-
ing names: Augustin Guillain, master of works, keeper in charge of the
fountains of Paris, sworn servant of the king for works of masonry
(June 6, 1636); Jeanne de la Robye, wife of Mederic de Donon, equerry,
lord of Chastres, counselor of the king, and general overseer of his
buildings (date?); Pierre Biard, master sculptor, painter, and architect
(September 17, 1609); Michel Richier, master of paving works in the
king's buildings (January 26, 1610); Louis Coulon, king's sworn master
carpenter and bourgeois of Paris; Louise Thevenard, his wife
(December 4, 1639); Francois Pinart, master mason (November 21,
1622); Jaquette Chardon, his wife (1623); Pierre Pinart, their son, mas-
ter mason (163?); Marie Autin, his wife; Jean, son of Jacques Barbel
called of Chastres, sergeant of arms, carpenter of the king for his king-
dom (November 24, 1382). We can also add the names of Francois
Mansart, who was notably the architect of Jacques de Souvre, Grand
Prior of Malta (1666); and of Jules Hardouin Mansart (May 11, 1708).
Finally, how could we note the name of Rabelais? The epitaph
record of Saint Paul parish gives us the date of his death: Francois
Rabelais, deceased at the age of 70 years, rue des Jardins, on April 9,
1552, was buried in Saint Paul Cemetery."^51 Rabelais, who was then
the priest beneficiary of Meudon, seems to have lived the last two years

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