The Secret History of Freemasonry

(Nandana) #1


his wants for only one meal and to give him two sols and six deniers."^15
The same patron saints found in Paris were also worshipped by the
brotherhoods of these provincial builders, with the addition of Saint
Gregor, Saint Alpinien, Saint Martin, Saint Marin, Saint Etienne, Saint
Barbara, and especially the apostle Saint Thomas, who is often depicted
holding a square.

Purposes and Traditions of the Brotherhoods

The purpose of the brotherhoods is defined as follows in an edict issued
on March 1319 restoring a brotherhood of Saint James and Saint Louis
that had been abolished in 1306: "To provide through one's work the
gifts of large alms, to feed the indigent brothers, to have Masses said for
both the living and the dead, and to busy oneself with various charita-
ble works." But the primary goal, not said outright here yet implied in
all that was said and done, was "to elevate man to God and let him earn
the Lord's infinite grace."
We know about the organization and life of the brotherhoods
thanks to eighteenth-century documents. Each trade community placed
under the protection of a patron saint owned a private chapel in a
church, where it held its meetings. Each had special officers who were
elected to their posts—sometimes a provost and chairman or two sworn
masters would share the position. Following Mass every year on its
patron saint's feast day, the brotherhood held elections and nominated
a collector and a clerk.^16 "The provost would then receive the congrat-
ulations and praise of all the brothers, who would lead him solemnly to
his home. The chaplain, escorted by choir boys, would then turn over
to him, as a sign of his taking possession of the office, the brotherhood's
cross, old and new candles, the notes of meetings, and the coffer hold-
ing the deniers, property deeds, and the bulls of foundation."^17 The
provost alone had the power to convoke the brothers for assemblies,
the selection of new members, and the burying of the dead.

"Sometimes the election of the new chairman would be the occa-
sion for a fairly unique ceremony. Everyone would go to the
patronal church and sing vespers. When they reached the verse of
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