Handbook for Sound Engineers

(Wang) #1

84 Chapter 4

4.3.10 Windows

Occasionally sound rooms require windows. The obser-
vation window between control room and studio is an

example. It can very easily have a weakening effect on
the overall TL of the partition between the two rooms.
(See Section 3.3.11.) A wall with a rating of STC-60
alone might very well be reduced to STC-50 with even
one of the more carefully designed and built windows
installed. Just how much the window degrades the
overall TL depends on the original loss of the partition,
the TL of the window alone, the relative areas of the
two, and of course, the care with which the window is
installed. To understand the factors going into the
design of an effective observation window, a good place
to start is to study the effectiveness of glass as a

Transmission Loss of Single Glass Plates. The mea-
sured transmission loss of ¼ inin, ½ inch, and ¾ inch
single-glass plates (or float) 52 inch × 76 inch is shown
in Fig. 4-35. As expected, the thicker the glass plate, the
higher the general TL except for a coincidence dip in

Figure 4-32. Numerous types of weather stripping can be
used for sealing doors to audio rooms. Courtesy Tab
Books, Inc.

C. Wiping rubber seal.

D. Drop bar.

B. Magnetic.

A. Foam or felt strips.

Figure 4-33. Sealing systems from Zero Mfg.





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