Handbook for Sound Engineers

(Wang) #1

xxii Contributors

Peter Mapp, BSc, MSc, FIOA, FASA, FAES, CPhys, CEng, MinstP, FinstSCE
Peter Mapp is principal of Peter Mapp Associates, an acoustic consultancy, based in
Colchester, England, that specializes in the fields of room acoustics, electro-acous-
tics, and sound system design. He holds an honors degree in applied physics and a
master’s degree in acoustics. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Acoustics, the Acous-
tical Society of America, and the Audio Engineering Society.
Peter has a special interest in speech intelligibility prediction and measurement
and has authored and presented numerous papers and articles on this subject both in
Europe and the United States. He currently serves on both British and International
Standards committees concerning the sound system design and speech intelligi-
Peter has been responsible for the design and commissioning of over 500 sound
systems, varying from concert halls and theatres, to churches, cathedrals, and other
religious buildings, to arenas, stadiums, power stations, and transportation terminals. He is also known for his exten-
sive research work into Distributed Mode Loudspeakers and their application to sound reinforcement.
Peter is a regular contributor to the audio technical press, having written over 100 articles and papers. He is also a
contributing author to a number of international reference books including the Loudspeaker Handbook. He is
currently the chairman of the AES international working group on speech intelligibility and convenor of IEC 60268-
16, the standard relating to the measurement of STI and Speech Intelligibility.

Steven McManus
Steven McManus graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 1990 with a B. E.
in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. During this time he also worked on a
computer-aided navigation and charting project through the University of Dundee.
An early interest in sound recording expanded into a production and installation
company that he ran for 8 years. Steve moved to the United States in 1999 after
returning to Herriot-Watt University for an update in programming skills.
He was with the TEF division of Gold Line for 6 years working on both software
and hardware. He is currently working for Teledyne Benthos in Massachusetts with
underwater acoustic communication and navigation systems.

James E. Mitchell
James (Jay) Mitchell began work in the fields of music and audio in 1972. He was
awarded a Bachelor of Science in Physics in 1983 and a Master of Science in
Physics in 1985, both from the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Since 1985, he has been involved in the design and development of loudspeakers
and associated electronics. His design credits include the IMAX Proportional Point
Source loudspeaker and the line of loudspeakers currently manufactured by Frazier
He is currently president of Frazier Loudspeakers, in Dallas, Texas. He is a
member of the Audio Engineering Society.
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