316 Chapter 12
Ep is the voltage at the plate,
Ip is the plate current.
12.1.14 Changing Parameters
If a tube is to operate at a different plate voltage than
published, the new values of bias, screen voltage, and
plate resistance can be calculated by the use of conver-
sion factors F 1 , F 2 , F 3 , F 4 , and F 5. Assume the
following conditions are specified for a single
beam-power tube:
Plate voltage 250.0 V
Screen voltage 250.0 V
Grid voltage –12.5 V
Plate current 45.0 mA
Screen current 4.5 mA
Plate resistance 52,000.0:
Plate load 5000.0:
Transconductance 4100.0μS
Power output 4.5 W
F 1 is used to find the new plate voltage
For example, the new plate voltage is to be 180 V.
The conversion factor F 1 for this voltage is obtained by
dividing the new plate voltage by the published plate
voltage Eq. 12-11:
The screen and grid voltage will be proportional to the
plate voltage:
In the example,
F 2 is used to calculate the plate and screen currents
In the example,
The plate load and plate resistance may be calculated
by use of factor F 3 :
In the example,
Figure 12-7. Typical graph for determining the maximum
power dissipated by the screen grid.
0 20 40 60 80 100
Maximum operating conditions
Area of permissible operation
Grid-No. 2 input expressed as percent
of max. grid-No. 2 input rating
Grid-No. 2 voltage expressed as percent
of max. grid-No. 2 supply voltage rating
F 1
= ------------
F 1 180
Eg=F 1 uold grid voltage
Esg= F 1 uold screen voltage
Eg=0.72u 12.5
–= 9 V
Esg= 0.72u 250
= 180 V.
F 2 =F 1 F 1
IP=F 2 uold plate current
Is=F 2 uold screen current
F 2 =0.72u0.848
IP=0.61u45 mA
=27.4 mA
Isg=0.61u4.5 mA
=2.74 mA
F 3
F 1
F 2
----- -=
rp=F 3 uold internal plate resistance
RL=F 3 uold plateload resistance