Handbook for Sound Engineers

(Wang) #1

24 Chapter 2

Fig. 2-2. The decibel scale is more resolute than the Bel

The decibel is always a power-related ratio. Elec-
trical and acoustical power changes can be converted
exactly in the manner described. Quantities that are not
powers must be made proportional to power—a rela-
tionship established by the power equation.


W is power in watts,

E is voltage in volts,
R is resistance in ohms.

This requires voltage, distance, and pressure to be
squared prior to taking the ratio. Some practitioners

prefer to omit the squaring of the initial quantities and
simply change the log multiplier from ten to twenty.
This produces the same end result.
Fig. 2-3 provides a list of some dB changes along
with the ratio of voltage, pressure, distance, and power
required to produce the indicated dB change. It is a
worthwhile endeavor to memorize the changes indicated
in bold type and be able to recognize them by listening.
A decibel conversion requires two quantities that are
in the same unit, i.e., watts, volts, meters, feet. The unit
cancels during the initial division process, leaving the
ratio between the two quantities. For this reason, the
decibel is without dimension and is therefore techni-
cally not a unit in the classical sense. If two arbitrary
quantities of the same unit are compared, the result is a
relative level change. If a standard reference quantity is
used in the denominator of the ratio, the result is an
absolute level and the unit is dB relative to the original

Figure 2-1. A logarithmic scale has its increments marked by a fixed ratio, in this case 10 to 1, forming a more compact
representation than a linear scale. Courtesy Syn-Aud-Con.

Figure 2-2. The steps to performing a decibel conversion are outlined. Courtesy Syn-Aud-Con.

0 1 k 10 k 20 k 30 k 40 k 50 k

1 10 100 1 K 10 K 100 K

Linear scale

Log scale




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