Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
198 Jesus, Prophet ofIslam

John Milton (1608-1674)

Milton, who lived at the same time as Biddle and shared many of
his views, was not as outspoken as Biddle, preferring to lead his
life outside prison. Thus in Volume Two of his Treatise on True Reli­
gion for example, his criticisms are veiled. He says:

'The Arians and Socians are charged to dispute against
Trinity. They affirm to believe the Father, Son and Holy
Chost according to Scripture and the Apostolic Creed.
As for terms of trinity, tri-unity, co-essentiality, tri-per­
sonaIity, they reject them as scholastic notions not to be
found in Scrîpture which by general Protestant maxim
is plain and perspicuous abundantly to express its own
meaning in the properest words belonging to so high a
matter and so necessary to be known, a mystery indeed
in their sophistic subtleties but in scripture a plain doc­

In another of his books Milton was more direct. He said that the
power exercised by Popes, Councils, Bishops and Presbyters was
to be classified as among the rankest and most odious of tyrannies.
He continued, 1 AlI imposition of ordinances, ceremonies and doc­
trines are an unwarranted invasion of liberty.' 39
The poet did not openly defy the civil authority of the country,
but he kept to himself as a protest against the bigotry and intoler­
ance of the established Church. Like a number of leading intellec­
tuaIs, he stopped going to any church. Dr. Johnson said of Milton:

'He hasnot associated with any denomination of Prot­
estants. We know rather what he was not than what he
was. He was not of the Church of Rome. He was not of
the Church of England. Milton grew old without any
visible worship. In his distribution of his hours there
was no hour of prayer - his work and his meditation
were an habitual prayer.' 40

Itisc1earthat Dr.Johnson was not aware ofa bookwrittenby Milton
and discovered nearly a hundred and fifty years after his death in
1823.The manuscript was found in the old State Paper Office in
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