Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
Laier Unitarians in Christianity 199

Whitehall and was entitled A Treatise Re1atingtoCod. Written while
he was a Latin secretary to Cromwell, itwas obviously not intended
to be published during Milton's life. In Part One, Chapter Two,
Milton writes about the attributes of God and the Divine Unity:

Though there be not a few who deny the existence of
God, 'for the fool hath said inhis heart there is no GOO',
Psalm 14: 1, yet the Deity has imprinted upon the hu­
man mind so many unquestionable tokens of Himself
and so many traces of Him are apparent throughout the
whole of nature that no one in his senses can remain
ignorant of truth. There can be no doubt that everything
in the world by the beauty of its order and the evidence
of a determinate and beneficial purpose which pervades
it, testifies that sorne supreme efficient Power must have
pre-existed by which the whole was ordained for a spe­
cifie end.
No one however can have right thoughts of GOO with
nature, or reason alone as his guide, independent of the
word or message of God ... God therefore has made as
full a revelation of Himself as our minds can conceive
or the weakness of our nature can bear ... Such knowl­
edge of the Deity as was necessary for the salvation of
man, He has Himself of His goodness been pleased to
reveal abundantly ... The names and attributes of God
either show His nature or His divine power and excel­

Milton then lists sorne of the attributes of God: Truth, Spirit (1 am
that 1am), Immensity and Infinity, Eternity, Immutability (1 change
not), Incorruptibility, Immortality, Omnipresence, Omnipotence,
and finaUy, Unity, which he says 'proceeds necessarily from all the
foregoing attributes.' Milton then lists the following proofs from
the Bible:

[ehova, He is GOO, there is none besides Him,
(Deuteronomy 4: 35).

[ehova, He is God in the heavens ab ove and upon the
earth beneath: there is none else. (Deuteronomy 4: 39);
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