Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

200 Jesus, Prophet of Islam

1, even 1, am He and there is no God with Me.
(Deuteronomy 32: 39).

'" that all the people of the earth may know that [ehova
is God and that there is none else. (l Kings 8: 60).

... Thou art the God, even Thou alone, of all the king­
doms of the earth. (2 Kings 19: 15).

Is there a godbesidesMe? Yea, there is no god.
(lsaiah 44: 8).

1 am [ehova and there is no god besides Me.
(Isaiah 45: 5).

There is no god else besides Me ...

there is none besides Me. (lsaiah 45: 21).

I am God and there is none else, (lsaiah 45: 22).

(Cornmenting on the above verse, Milton says, 'that is,
no spirit, no person, no being beside Him is God for
'none' is a universal negative.')

1 am God and there is none else, 1 am God
and there is none like Me. (lsaiah 46: 9).

Milton continues:

What can be plainer, what more distinct, what more
suitable to general comprehension and the ordinary
forms of speech, for the purpose of impressing on the
people of God that there was numerica1ly One God and
One Spirit in the cornmon acceptation of numerical
unity? Itwas in truth fitting and highly agreeable to rea­
son that the first and consequentially the greatest com­
mandment to which even the lowest of the people were
required to pay scrupulous obedience should be deliv­
ered in so plain a manner that no ambiguous or obscure
expressions might lead His worshippers into error or
keep them in suspense or doubt. Accordingly, the Isra­
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