Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
Christianity Today 261

It is scarcely surprising, in the light of all this, that as the churches
of the world are emptying, the mosques of Islam are filling up, for
in this age, as for the last fourteen centuries, the knowledge about
Jesus to which only the Muslims have access, is far more accurate
and far more reliable than any of the perversions of the original
teachings of and accounts about Jesus which still exist today -and
which are all that today's believing Christians, whether Unitarian
or Trinitarian, have -and in this age, as for the last fourteen centu­
ries, the only way to truly follow Jesus, Prophet of Islam, peace be
on him,. is by following the way of Islam, the way of the Prophet
Muhammad, may the blessings and peace of God be on him and
on all the Prophets of God, and on all their true followers, until ...

the LastDay

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