Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
Jesus in Hadith and Muslim Traditions 265

the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant
him peace, carne, many of the followers of these follow­
ers embraced Islam. They had retained these traditions
about sayyedina 'Isa, peace be on him, and had passed
them down from generation to generation. l

These traditions were then passed down from generation to gen­
eration by the Muslims and many of them were finally gathered
together in Ath-Tha'labi's Stones oftheProphets and in Al-Ghazzali's
Revival of the Life-Transaction Sciences. It is significant tosee how
these traditions give a clear and unified picture of the ascetic
Prophet who prepared the way for the final Messenger:

Ka'b al-Akbar said, 'Jesus, son of Mary, was a ruddy
man, inclined to white; he did not have long hair, and
he never anointed his head. Jesus used to walk bare­
foot, and he took no house, or adornment, or goods, or
clothes, or provision, except his day's food. Wherever
the sun set, he arranged ms feet in prayer till the morn­
ing came. He was curing the blind from birth, and the
Ieper, and raising the dead by God's permission, and
was telling his people what they were eating in their
houses and what they were storing up for the morrow,
and he was walking on the surface of the water in the
sea. His head was dishevelled and his face was small;
he was an ascetic in the world, longing for the next world
and eager for the worship of God. He was a pilgrim in
the earth till the Jews sought him and desired to kill
him. Then God raised him up to heaven; and God knows

Malik, son of Dinar, said, 'Jesus, peace be upon him, and
the disciples with him passed by the carcass of a dog. A
disciple said, "What a stench this dog makes!" Then he,
(blessings and peace by upon him), said, "How white
are its teeth!"'

It is related on the authority of Ma'ruf al-Karkhi that
Jesus, peace be upon him, said,'Remembercotton when
it is put over your eyes.'
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