Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
Jesus in Hadith andMuslim Traditions 269

a third of the wealth? When he returns we shall kill him,
and divide the wealth between US.'
The narrator said: so when he retumed they killed
him and ate the food and died; and that wealth remained
in the desert with those three men lying dead beside il.
Then Jesus, peace be upon him, passed them in that con­
dition and said to his companions, 'This is the world, so
beware of il.'

It is related that Jesus, peace be upon him, passed three
people whose bodies were wasted and who were pale
and said, .'What has brought on you that which 1 see?'
They replied, 'Fear of the Fire.' He said, 'It is God's duty
to render secure him who fears.' Afterwards he passed
from them and came to another three, and 10, they were
in greater emaciation and paleness, so he said, 'What
has brought on you that which 1see?' They replied, 'De­
sire for the Garden.' He said, 'It is God's duty to give
you what you hope for.' After that he passed from them
and came to another three, and 10, they were in still
greater emaciation and paleness as though mirrors of
light were over their faces, so he said, 'What has brought
on you that which 1 see?' They replied, 'We love God,
Great and Glorious is He: He said, 'You are those who
are nearest to God; you are those who are nearest to God;
you are those who are nearest to God.'

It is related on the authority of Muhammad, son of Abu
Musa, concerning Jesus, son of Mary, peace be on him,
that he passed an afflicted man and treated him kindly
and said, 'OhGod, 1beseech You to heal him,'ThenGod,
Exalted is He, revealed to him, 'How can 1heal himfrom
that with which 1 am healing him?'

It is related that Jesus, peace be upon him, one day
passed a hill in which he saw a cave. He drew near it
and found in it a devotee whose back was bent, whose
body was wasted, and in whom austerity had reached
its utmost limîts. Jesus greeted him and wondered at
the evidences (of devotion) which he saw. So Jesus said

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