Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
Jesus in Hadith and Muslim Traditions 273

will possess nothing in the form of wealth. Then he will
pass through the wasteland and will say, 'Bring forth
your treasures', and the treasures will come forth, like
swarms of bees. Then he will call a man brimming with
youth; he will strike him with a sword and eut him in
two, then place the two pieces at the distance between
an archer and his target. Then he will call him, and the
young man will come running and laughing.
", At that point, Cod will send the Messiah, son of
Mary, and he will descend to the white minaret in the
east ofDamascus, wearing two garments dyed with saf­
fron, placing his hands on the wings of two angels. When
he lowers his head, beads of perspiration will fall from
it, and when he raises his head, beads like pearls will
scatter from il. Every disbeliever who smells his fra­
grance will die, and his breath will reach as far as he
can see. He will search for the Dajjal until he finds him
at the gate of Ludd (the biblical Lydda, now known as
Lod), where he will kill him.
"'Then a people whom Cod has protected will come
to Jesus son of Mary, and he will wipe their faces (i.e.
wipe the traces of hardship from their faces) and tell
them of their status in Paradise. At that time Cod will
reveal to Jesus:'1 have brought forth sorne of My serv­
ants whom no-one will be able to fight. Take My serv­
ants safely to at-Tur.'
"'Then Cod will send Cog and Magog, and they will
swarm down from every slope. The fust of them will
pass by the Lake of Tiberias, and will drink sorne of its
water; the last of them will pass by it and say, 'There
used to be water here.' Jesus, the Prophet of Cod, and
his Companions will be besieged until a bull's head will
be dearer to them than one hundred dinars are to you
"'Then Jesus and his Companions will pray to Cod,
and He will send insects who will bite the people of Cog
and Magog on their necks, so that in the morning they
will all perish as one. Then Jesus and his Companions
will come down and will not find any nook or cranny
on earth which is free from their putrid stench. Jesus
and his Companions will again pray to Cod, Who will

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