Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

276 Jesus, Prophet ofIslam


,Abd'Allah bin Amr reported Muhammad, may the
peace and blessings of God be on him, as saying, 'Jesus,
son of Mary, will descend to the earth, will marry, have
children, and remain forty-five years, after which he will
die and be buried along with me in my grave. Then Jesus,
son of Mary, and 1 shall arise from one grave between
Abu Bakr and 'Umar.' (Ibn ai-lauzi in Kitab al-Wafa').


ft has beentransmitted by'Abdullahibn 'Umarthatthe
Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him
peace, said, '1 dreamt at night that 1 was at the Ka'ba,
and 1 saw a dark man like the most handsome of dark
men you have ever seen. He had haïr reaching to be­
tween his ears and his shoulders like the most excellent
of such haïr that you have seen. He had combed his hair,
and water was dripping from il. He was leaning on two
men or on the shoulders of two men doing tawafaround
Ka'ba. 1asked, "Who is thiS?" It was said, "The Messiah,
son of Mary." Then we were with a man with wiry hair
and blind in his right eye, as if it was a floating grape. 1
asked, "Who is this?" It was said to me, "This is the
Antiïîhrist/" (AI-MuwaHa' of Imam Malik: 49: 2.2).

Many of those who profess to be followers of Jesus today are often
totally unaware of the deep spiritual connection which exists be­
tween Jesus and Muhammad, may the blessings and peace of God
be on them both, and indeed are more accustomed to regarding
those who profess to be followers of Muhammad as 'them' and not
'us', and even as 'the enemy'. It is clear from all the above hadith,
however, that Jesus is indeed a Prophet of Islam - and that the
only way to follow Jesus today is by following the way of Muham­
mad, may God bless them both and grant them peace, for, as we
have seen, this is what Jesus himself will do when he retums to
this world.

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