Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

278 Jesus, Prophet of Islam

The prophets are brothers: they are all the same; there
is no distinction between them.

Sons of one father: they all declare one doctrine -La
ilahail'AJlah. There is no god but Allah, the One. Nothing
can be associated with Him in His Divinity.

Their mothers are different: each Prophet has been sent
to a particular people at a particular time. The Prophet
of the time has had revealed to him a Sunnah, or life­
form, a practice, a social pattern by which his commu­
nity should live. Whenever a new Prophet came to a
people, he brought a new form of this Sunnah to accord
with the new age. This is the Shari'ah or Road of the
Prophets. Thus, with the coming of our master Muham­
mad, may the peace and blessings of God be upon him,
the Divine Transaction is complete. Messengership is
sealed in the last revealed Book, the Glorious Qur'an.

Prophethood is sealed with the Shari'ah and the Sunnah
of the compassionate Prophet, Muhammad, may the
peace and blessings of God be upon him.

The science of worship, itself the means of approach to
God, is sealed in the Book (the Qur'an) and the Sunnah
of the first of the sons of Adam, peace be upon him.
The Way of Jesus, Prophet of Islam, is over. The Way of
Muhammad, Prophet of Islam, has begun.

This verse of the Qur'an, the last to be revealed, disdosed
the tremendous matter to be complete:

This day 1 haveperfected your wayoflifefor you, and
1 have completed My blessing upon you, and 1 have
chosen AL-IsLAM for you as your way of Iife,

(Qur'an 5: 3).

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