Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

282 Jesus, Prophet ofIslam


He has commanded you to follow the same life-trans­
action that He decreed for Noah, and which We have
revealed toyou (0 Muhammad), and which We decreed
for Abraham, and for Moses, and for Jesus, saying, 'Es­
tablish the life-transaction and do not become divided
in it.' (Qur'an 42: 13).

Part of the covenant which all the Prophets made with God was to
tell their followers about the coming of Muhammad, may God bless
him and grant him peace, and to follow him should he come dur­
ing their lifetime:

And when God made His covenant with the Prophets,
(He said), 'This is what 1 have given you as a Book and
wisdom, and then a Messenger (Muhammad) will come
to you confirming what you have - and you will be­
lieve in him and you will help him.' He said, 'Will you
be bound by this and will you accept this obligation?'
They replied, 'We will be bound by it.' He said, 'Then
bear witness to it -and 1 will bear witness with you ­
and as for whoever tums away after this, then they will
be the ones who disobey,' (Qur'an 3: 81-82).

Thus the picture of Jesus which unfolds in the Qur'an is not that of
sorne remarkable man who appeared on earth as an isolated event
in an otherwise somewhat chaotic world, but of a Messenger who,
like all the other Messengers, was sent for his time and his age, a
part of the ordered unfolding of the universe:

And We sent Jesus son of Mary in their footsteps,
confirming what was (revealed) before him in the To­
rah; and We gave him the Ingil - in which there was
guidance and light - confirming what was (revealed)
before it in the Torah, and a guidance and a warning for
those who fear God. And let the people of the Ingil judge
by what God has revealed in it. And whoever does not
judge by what God has revealed, then they are evil liv­
ers. (Qur'an 5: 46-47).
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