Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

286 Jesus, Prophet of Islam


(This is) a reminder of the mercy of your Lord to His
slave, Zachariah, when he called to his Lord in secret
prayer, saying, 'My Lord, surely my bones have become
fragile, and my head shines with grey hair, and my
prayers to Vou, my Lord, have never been in vain, and
surely 1 am concerned about who will succeed me, as
my wife is barren - so grant me a successor from Your
presence who will inherit from me, and who will in­
herit from the family of Jacob, and make him, my Lord,
pleasing (to You).'

(lt was said to him), '0 Zachariah, surely We give you
good news of a son whose name is John -and We have
never given that name to anyone before him.' He said,
'MyLord, howcan 1havea sonwhenmy wife isbarren
and 1 have become old and weak?' He replied, 'Just like
that -your Lord says, "ltis easy for Me, just as 1created
you in the past, when you were not anything.": He said,
'My Lord, give me a sign.' He replied, 'Your sign shall
be that you will not speak to anyone for three nights
even though you are well.' Then he came out to his peo­
ple from the sanduary and gestured to them to glorify
(God) in the early morning and at nightfall.

(And it was said to his son), '0 John, hold fast to the
Book!' And We gave him wisdom when he was a boy,
and compassion from Our presence, and purity -and
he was devout, and he was kind to ms parents, and he
was never tyrannical or rebellious. 50 peace be on him
the day he was born, and the day he died, and the day
he will be brought back to life! (Qur'an 19: 2-15).

The story of the miraculous conception and birthof Jesus is related
in two different places in the Qur'an:

(And remember) when the angels said, '0 Mary, surely
Gad gives you good news of a Word from Hirn, whose
name is the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, who will be hon­
oured in this world and in the next world, and who will
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