Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
Jesusin Qur'an 287

be one of those who are near (to God) - and he will speak
to people from his cradle and when he is a man, and he
will be one of those who are righteous,' She repIied, 'My
Lord, how can I have a child, when no man has touched
me?' He replied, 'Just like that - God creates whatever
He wants. When He decrees something, then aH He says
to it is, "Be!" and it is, And He will teach him the Book,
and wisdom, and the Torah, and the Ingil, and he will be
a Messenger to the Tribe of Israel, (saying), "Surely I
have come to you with a sign from your Lord - surely I
will make the shape of a bird from clay for you, and
then breathe into it, and it will become a bird by the
permission of God; and I will heal him who was born
bIind and the Ieper, and I will bring the dead to life by
the permissionof God; and I will tell youwhatyouhave
had to eat and what you have stored away in your
houses - surely in that there is certainly a sign for you,
ifyou are believers. And (I have come) to confirm what
was before me from the Torah, and to make sorne of what
used to be forbidden for you lawful for you - and I have
come to you with a sign from your Lord, so fear God
and obey me. Surely God is my Lord and your Lord, so
worship Him - that is the straight path/"

And when Jesus perceived their disbeIief, he said, 'Who
will be my helpers for God?' The disciples repIied, 'We
are God's helpers - we beIieve in God, so bear witness
that we are Muslims! 0 our Lord; we beIieve in what
Vou have revealed and we foUow the Messenger,so record
us among those who bear witness.' (Qur'an 3: 45-53).

The story is also told in Surah Maryam:

And mention Mary in the Book -when she withdrew
from her people to a place in the east and chose seclu­
sion from them, then We sent Our spirit (the angel
Gabriel) to her, and he appeared to her as a perlect man.
She said, 'Surely 1seek refuge in the Merciful One from
you, ifyou fear God.' He said, 'Surely 1 am only a Mes­
senger from your Lord, to give you news of a pure son.'
She replied, 'How can I have a son when no man has
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