Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1
Jesus in Qur'an 307

Say: 'Surely God's guidance is the guidance - whether
(or not) anyone is given the like of what you were given,
and whether (or not) they argue with you in the pres­
ence of your Lord.'

Say:'Surelygenerosityis inGod's hand- He gives it to
whomever He wants - and God is Immense, Knowing.
He chooses whomever He wishes for His mercy - and
God's generosity is vast.'

And from among the People of the Book there is the one
who, if you entrust him with a qintar, will return it to
you -and from among them is the one who, if you en­
trust him with a dinar, will not return it to you unless
you keep on asking him for il. That is because they say,
'We have no obligation towards the goyim,' -and this,
which they say is from God, is a lie, and they know il.
Indeed - and as for whoever keeps his promise and fears
God, then surely God loves those who are fearful.

As for those who exchange their covenant with God and
the promises they have made for a small gain - surely
they will have no share of good in the next world, and
God will not speak to them and He will not look at them
on the Day of Standing, and He will not purify them ­
and theirs will be a painful punishment. And surely
there is certainly a group of them who distort what is in
the Book with what they say, so as to make you think
that it isfrom the Book when it is not from the Book ­
and they say, 'This is from God,' when it is not from
God - and this, which they say is from God, is a lie, and
they know il.

It is not possible for any man to whom God has given
the Book and wisdom and prophethood to then say to
people, 'Worship me instead of God,' but only, 'Wor­
ship your Lord - by your spreading knowledge of the
Book, and by your studying il.' And he did not com­
mand you to take the angels and the Prophets as your
lords - would he command you to disbelief after you
had become Muslims?

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