Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

312 Jesus, Prophet of Islam


o you who believe, do not take the Jews and the Chris­
tians as friends - they are friends to one another - and
whoever of you makes friends with them is surely one
of them. Surely God does not guide people who are
wrong doers. And you see those in whose hearts there
is a sickness going hastily over to them, saying, 'We are
afraid that we are going to suffer a change of fortune.'
And it may be that God will grant (you) victory, or a
decree directly from Him, so that they may feel remorse
about what they secretly kept to themselves. And then
those who believe will say, 'Are these the ones who
swore by God their most binding oaths that they were
surely with you?' - Their actions have proved fruitless,
and they have become losers. (Qur'an 5: 51-53).


o you who believe, do not make friends with those from
among those who were given the Book before you, and
from among the disbelievers, who treat your way of life
as a joke and a game. And fear God, if you are indeed
believers. And when you calI (them) to the prayer, they
treat it as a joke and agame - that is because they are a
people who have no intellect. (Qur'an 5: 57-SB).


o you who believe, do not make close friends with those
who are not like you -who will not stop trying to cor­
rupt you and who would love to destroy you. Their
hatred is indeed apparent from what they say, but what
their hearts conceal is worse - We have indeed made
the signs clear to you, if you have any intellect.Although
you are the ones who love them, they do not love you ­
and you believe in all of the Book. And when they meet
you, they say, 'We believe,' -but when they are alone,
they bite their finger-tips in their rage at you.

Say: 'May you die with rage!'
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