Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

326 Jesus, Prophet of Islam

  1. The World 's Religions, N. Anderson, p. 232.

  2. '1984', G. Orwell, p. 220.

  3. Christianity on Trial, l, Colin Chapman, pp. 32-33.

  4. Time Magazine, May 24th, 1976, pp. 42-43.

  5. Christianity on Trial, t,Colin Chapman, p. 37.

  6. Christianity on Trial, l, Colin Chapman, pp. 51-52.

  7. Time Magazine, May 24th, 1976, p. 46.

  8. Christianity on Trial, l, Colin Chapman, p. 63.

  9. Christianity on Trial, l, Colin Chapman, p. 74.

  10. Christianity on Trial, l, Colin Chapman, p. 61.

Chapter Ten: Jesus in Hadith and Muslim Traditions

  1. Prophets in the Qur'an, Volume Two: The Later Prophets,
    Iftekhar Bano Hussain.p. 120.

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