Jesus, Prophet of Islam - The Islamic Bulletin

(Ben Green) #1

About the Authors

Muhammad Ata'ur-Rahim lived much of his life in Hyderabad,
India, before moving to Pakistan at the time of the Partition in 1947.
He was awarded the degrees of BT, LLB and MA at the Muslim
University of Aligarh, before completing his further studies in edu­
cation at the Universities of Edinburgh and London, where he was
awarded his MR5T. He was the Government of India Scholar in
the Archaeology, Art and Religion of Ancient India. After being
promoted to the rank of Colonel during the Second World War, in
which he served with distinction, Muhammad Ata'ur-Rahim be­
came the Principal of the Urdu College in Karachi, Pakistan. His
other books include Unitarianism in Christianity and The Meeting
Ground ofIslam andChristianity. He died in1978, 'alehi rahma.
Ahmad Thomson was born in Chipata, Zambia, on the 23rd of
April, 1950, towards the end of the British colonial period in Af­
rica. Educated in both Zimbabwe and England, and widely trav­
elled, he was fortunate enough to escape having too rigid a cul­
tural moulding or social conditioning, and accordingly, although
brought up as a Christian, recognised and embraced Islam for what
it is when he encountered it, clearly and existentially embodied by
real Muslims.
Soon after embracing Islam, the author met Colonel Muham­
mad Ata'ur-Rahim, who had come to England in order to pursue
his studies of Jesus, peace be upon him, and Christianity in greater
depth, and at the suggestion of Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Murabit
they began to work together. As a result of their joint research three
books were written, Jesus, Prophet ofIslam, Jesus in Qur'an, and Blood
on the Cross which was completed after the author had been on
pilgrimage to Makka and after Colonel Rahim had died, 'a1ehi rahma.
Other books written by Ahmad Thomson include Dajjal -The
King whohas noclothes, which is a contemporary study of the Anti­
Christ written from a Qur'anie perspective and based on sorne of
the recorded sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, may the bless­
ings and peace of Allah be on him and his family and his Compan­
ions and all who follow him and them in what they are able with
sincerity until the Last Day. Amin.

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