Food Photography: From Snapshots to Great Shots

(Tina Meador) #1

chAPTer 4: sTYling & ProPs 97

If you’re photographing a sandwich, one easy way to keep the sandwich from look-

ing flat is to place small pieces of cardboard or foam board between each layer. You

can also stick pieces of toothpicks into the cardboard to push up and heighten the

sandwich even more (Figure 4.13).

Canon 7D
ISO 100
1/250 sec.
50mm lens

Canon 7D
ISO 100
1/320 sec.
50mm lens

FIgure 4.13
By adding small
pieces of cardboard
and toothpicks
inside the sand-
wich, I was able
to bulk it up and
give it fullness
so that it looks
more appetizing.
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