Food Photography: From Snapshots to Great Shots

(Tina Meador) #1

a cknowleDgments

The process of writing, editing, and publishing a book is, at times, overwhelming. It’s a creative challenge

to make the content work within the pages, teach the reader (as clearly as possible) about technique,

skill, vision, and creativity, and also stay true to the layout, flow, and structure of the book itself. My

name may be on the cover of the book, but I’m really only a part of the process, and there’s no way that

this book would be what it is without the guidance, hard work, dedication, inspiration, and motivation of

so many other people.

I wouldn’t be where I am today without the support and love from my family. They have always believed

in me and never doubted my ability to succeed at whatever I set my mind and heart to do, and because

of that I will be forever grateful. I love you guys!

I am blessed with an amazing group of friends, mentors, and colleagues. You all have opened my eyes

to things I couldn’t see without your guidance, and you have also been the voice of reason when I

stumbled. Thank you for your never-ending dedication, loyalty, and patience. Thank you also for your

wisdom, advice, and knowledge, and, even more importantly, thank you for giving me hope and

inspiring confidence.

I truly want to thank the Peachpit crew and the team involved in producing this book, and especially my

editor, Valerie. This road was a little bumpier than with previous projects, but we all seemed to make it

through unscathed. Thank you for your patience, flexibility, and teamwork while working on this book.

I am extremely thankful to my readers. It means so much to me when I get a note from someone thank-

ing me for a book, a blog post, or a bit of knowledge that helped him or her become a better photogra-

pher. You, my readers, are the reason I wrote this book, and I, in turn, have learned so much from being

a part of an amazing, worldwide, kind, and generous community of creative and talented people.

And lastly, my faith has always been a very big part of my life. My passion for art and my talent for teach-

ing and sharing my knowledge with others are gifts that I have been extremely blessed with, and I am so

grateful for having God in my life, which keeps my heart alive and refreshed each day.

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