DayEighteen - Love
Morning Ritual:
Quote for the day:
Life is now. Itís all right now. Everything is now. Now is where who you are is perceiving in this
time-space reality. Oh, do you know how much has been lined up for this moment.
are you using it? How are you using your now? How are you joining the juncture? How much of
you is open? How much of all of that are you up and ready for? How much of the energy are you
allowing to flow through you? Or what inconsequential thing are you using to pinch it off. Yes. If
someone said, ìTerroristsî, weíd say, ìPssshtî. If someone says, ìWorld Warî, weíd say, ìPssht.î
If someone says, ìCollapse of the economyî, weíd say, ìPssht.î Inconsqequential.
Inconsequential in the scheme of WHO WE ALL ARE. Donít you get who we all are? And donít
you feel the power of this moment? Your inner being feels it and is up and ready every single
moment. Up and ready. Up and ready. Up and ready. Always on. Always on. Always on. Infinite
intelligence ready to pour through you. All the resources of clarity and stamina and well-being
than you could ever begin to imagine. All right here, right here, right here, right here, right here,
right here. No reason, no reason ever, for you not to be experiencing the full, the wholeness of all
of that.